A trip to Paris requires a visit to their lingerie store. I didn't even go anywhere special or high end, just a mid-range lingerie store called Princess Tam Tam (ignore the girly name) where the range was 35-50 euros, and I wanted every.single.piece. Think delicate laces, superb quality underwires, hardly any push-ups to be found. My cousin says the French are not really big on push-ups, so Victoria Secret is not really popular here. Every thing was sold in matching sets and the French also like to match regularly. While waiting in line I noticed the women in front of me, and most where almost scrubby; sweats, backpacks, jeans, etc. But the selections on their arm were scandalously beautiful (think tangerine orange lace, bright blue sheer bra). I will never underestimate a scrubby French woman again! For underneath those sweats could be an impeccable set of lace lingerie.
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